Presents 142 and 143: These presents are available for purchase at the casino after completing the story. Present 141: This present is unlocked for completing all the characters' Free Time Events. Presents 133-140: These presents are unlocked through standard story progression. Presents 114-128: These presents are unlocked by completing a specific character's Free Time Events. All other presents are "unique" and require special tasks to be completed to unlock them. All other standard non-peach colored presents are acquired from the MonoMono Slot machine. Presents 001-113 and 129-132: Peach-colored presents can be purchased from the casino. Successfully complete the indicated tasks to unlock the corresponding presents: There are three types of presents: peach-colored, non-peach-colored, and unique.

Not all of them are available through normal gameplay some are obtained by completing tasks or reaching milestones. There are 143 presents to collect in the game. Use this trick to get the "Casino Royale With Cheese" and "Lucky Number Seven" trophies. Repeat this as many times as desired to earn lots of coins. The average payout on the right-most MonoMono Slot machine is 143 coins. Play on the right-most MonoMono Slot machine, as it has the best payout value. In the casino, cash in 10 MonoCoins for 100 Casino Coins.